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We are delighted that you have made the decision to take steps towards good health.


Physiotherapy is a safe, efficient tool towards long term health for you and your family.


At MGM Clinics we offer Physiotherapy, which helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.


Whether you want short-term relief or lifetime care, we are ready to listen, provide choices and support you and your family.



“Physiotherapy Works. It's both clinically and cost-effective. It makes a huge difference to people’s quality of life as they live longer and grow older.”

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Your first visit?  What to expect. Benefits?

When you first come to MGM Clinics we will take you through a new patient consultation form, which may include information about you and your lifestyle plus relevant medical, exercise, and injury history. We will discuss this with you and answer any questions you might have before your treatment.


MGM Clinics believes the key to successfully treating patients is being able to provide the skills, knowledge and experience to make an accurate diagnosis, and providing the right treatment at the right time to get them better as soon as possible.


The Physiotherapist ensures that not only are the acute symptoms dealt with, but will help to prevent a reoccurrence of symptoms which can lead to more chronic conditions.

At MGM Clinics we provide a complete system of examination, diagnosis, treatment, education and prevention advice.


Physiotherapy can improve: 

  • Neurological - stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Neuromusculoskeletal - back pain, whiplash, sports injuries, arthritis 

  • Cardiovascular - chronic heart disease, rehabilitation after heart attack 

  • Respiratory - asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis


Here are the top 10 benefits of physiotherapy:


  1. Pain relief: Physiotherapy helps alleviate both acute and chronic pain.

  2. Injury recovery: It aids in the rehabilitation process after injuries, promoting healing and restoring function.

  3. Improved mobility: Physiotherapy exercises and techniques enhance flexibility, range of motion, and overall mobility.

  4. Muscle strengthening: Targeted exercises help strengthen weak muscles and improve muscle function.

  5. Injury prevention: Physiotherapy programs reduce the risk of future injuries.

  6. Improved posture: Corrective exercises and postural education enhance posture and alignment.

  7. Enhanced balance and coordination: Specific exercises and techniques improve balance and coordination skills.

  8. Faster recovery after surgery: Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in post-surgical rehabilitation, promoting healing and restoring function.

  9. Neurological rehabilitation: Physiotherapy helps individuals with neurological conditions regain function and mobility.

  10. Chronic pain management: Physiotherapy provides strategies and techniques to manage chronic pain conditions.


These are just some of the many benefits of physiotherapy, and the actual benefits experienced by individuals may vary depending on their specific condition and treatment plan.


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